"Tourist Draw" cartoon by Brent Brown

Pauline Former (of the famous Frommer’s travel guides) made an appearance on GMA to tout the revitalized River Arts District as being one reason they recommend Asheville as one of their places to go see. The one takeaway from this honor that some took away with some disdain was the comment she made about the RAD being “sketchy” until New Belgium made the place livable for decent people again (paraphrasing here.) Well, this resulted in much uproar, or at least coverage of said uproar in local media and Ms. Frommer apologized and said she misspoke on TV. This cartoon only references the controversy in a pun way.

Cartoon originally published in the Asheville, NC alt weekly paper, “The Mountain Xpress”.

© 2015 – Brent Brown, Brent Brown Graphix